Why Did They Want to Spread Christianity

Christianity was mostly in Europe at the time. Doughboy123 SHOW ANSWER A They believed that God wanted them to convert other peoples.

Christianity In Europe History Spread Decline Video Lesson Transcript Study Com

Clothing and tools Why did diseases spread so rapidly in the Americas after European explorers arrived.

. There were few secrets in such a setting. One reason was the energy unleashed by the Reformation and Counter-Reformation. Christianity was in a sense illegal for the average Japanese person this might be an overstatement.

Christianity was beginning to grow in substantial ways by the late second and early third century precisely because it was responding to some basic deeply felt human needs. To make martyrs of Christians does nothing more than to spread the message of the gospel. Why did missionaries spread Christianity.

Completely around the world. What types of goods did Europeans ship to Africa and the Americas on Triangular Trade routes. They believed that the religions of the american indians were too old.

5 Why did the English want to spread Christianity. Why did the Europeans want to spread Christianity. 1Spread Christianity to non-Christian lands by using missionaries to convert Native Americans to Christianity.

They believed that the American Indians views were ruining Spanish values. They believed that the american indians views were ruining spanish values. Europeans wanted to spread Christianity because they felt like it was there duty.

Why did Columbus wanted to spread Christianity. Early Christianity was primarily an urban faith establishing itself in the city centers of the Roman Empire. Why did the Europeans want to spread Christianity.

Missionaries believed that they were acting in the interests of non-Western peoples often defending them against the land-grabbing intentions of white settlers by encouraging them to accept the supposed protection of British colonial governments. 7 What factors contributed to the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire quizlet. WHAT THEY THOUGHT European missionaries wanted to spread Christianity and teach it to less educated and wealthy people in Africa as one cause for imperialism - They mainly saw it as their duty to be carried out and it is commonly referred to as The White Mans Burden taken from Rudyard Kiplings poem.

The time came to fulfill the prophecy of David the Prophet and the King about the miraculous spread of Christianity through the work of the Apostles supported by the Holy Spirit Yet their message goes out to all the world and is heard to the ends of the earth. Jesuits and other religious orders were dedicated to making converts to Catholicism. Up to 24 cash back In the time period of 1500-1750 was a big deal for the Christian.

They wanted to improve their economy for instance by acquiring more spices gold and better and faster trading routes. Well there were several reasons. They believed that God wanted them to convert other peoples.

HOW DID CHRISTIANITY SPREAD THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. However in modern Japan Christianity has spread but it is utilized for its ritual elements and many Japanese consider themselves no religious despite the fact that they receive Shinto birth rights Christian marriages and Buddhist funerals. Them being for the sake of their economy religion and glory.

Also they really believed in the need to spread their religion Christianity. The 2nd-century church father Tertullian was right when he wrote that the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church The more the church was persecuted the more she spread. 6 What 3 historical reasons led to the rise and spread of Christianity after the death of Jesus.

Many Christians in Britain had campaigned against the slave trade at the start of the 19th century and they continued their moral crusade against slavery on the continent itself. Missionaries were able to get all the way around. In particular much Catholic missionary work grew out of the Counter-Reformation.

They wanted to improve their economy for instance by acquiring more spices gold and better and faster trading routes. In The Rise of Christianity Rodney Stark argues that Christianity replaced paganism chiefly because it improved the lives of its adherents in various ways. They believed that their gods wanted them to spread christianity.

Advertisement Answer 49 5 28 stephen29. They believed that the religions of the American Indians were too old. There are three main reasons for European Exploration.

Why did Europeans want to spread Christianity in the Americas. Instead the faith spread through a multitude of humble ordinary believers whose names have been long forgotten. The evangelical effort was a major part of and a justification for the military conquests of European powers such as Portugal Spain and France.

Also they really believed in the need to spread their religion Christianity. Various theories attempt to explain how Christianity managed to spread so successfully prior to the Edict of Milan 313. Europeans wanted to spread Christianity because they felt like it was there duty.

The world and teach the religion of Christianity. The second major reason for the spread of Christianity was the Age of Exploration. Most of the people lived close together in crowded tenements.

Spain was Catholic so that is the version of Christianity they wanted to spread. Why did the British Empire want to spread Christianity. The Catholic Church during the Age of Discovery inaugurated a major effort to spread Christianity in the New World and to convert the indigenous peoples of the Americas and other indigenous people by any means necessary.

Religion during this time Christianity became the first religion to spread. 2 See answers Advertisement Answer 10 5 0 Maddy1116 Because they believed it would help to civilize the Native Americans and make them more like the European settlers. They believed that God wanted them to convert other peoples.

Them being for the sake of their economy religion and glory. Why did Europeans want to spread Christianity in the Americas. There are three main reasons for European Exploration.

They believed that their gods wanted them to spread Christianity. The publicity of these martyrs deaths and the gruesome ways in which they died help many in the Roman. This attitude of ethnocentrism made the Spanish feel like they were doing no wrong by converting Native Americans.

Why did this happen.

The Spread Of Christianity Video Khan Academy

Spreading Religion In The Age Of Exploration Video Lesson Transcript Study Com

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